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Read Rethinking the Early Modern: Milosz and the Problem of Evil by Lukasz Tischner in TXT


The classical period in France presents a particularly lively battleground for the tran-sition between oral-visual culture, on the one hand, and print culture on the other. The former depended on learning from sources of knowledge directly, in their pres-ence, in a manner analogous to theatrical experience. The latter became characterized by the distance and abstraction of reading. How Do I Know Thee? explores the ways in which literature, philosophy, and psy-chology approach social cognition, or how we come to know others. Richard E. Goodkin describes a central opposition between what he calls "theatrical cognition" and "narrative cognition," drawing both on scholarship on literary genre and mode, and also on the work of a number of philosophers and psychologists, in particular Descartes's theory of cognition, Freudian psychoanalysis, midtwentiethcentury be-haviorism, and the field of cognitive science. The result is a study that will be of inter-est not only to students of the classical period but also to those in the corresponding disciplines., While scholars have chronicled Czes aw Mi osz s engagement with religious belief, no previous book-length treatment has focused on his struggles with theodicy in both poetry and thought. Mi osz wrestled with the problem of believing in a just God given the powerful evidence to the contrary in the natural world as he observed it and in the horrors of World War II and its aftermath in Poland. Rather than attempt to survey Mi osz s vast oeuvre, ukasz Tischner focuses on several key works "The Land of Ulro," "The World," "The Issa Valley," "A Treatise on Morals," "A Treatise on Poetry," and "From the Rising of the Sun" carefully tracing the development of Mi osz s moral arguments, especially in relation to the key texts that influenced him, among them the Bible, the Gnostic writings, and the works of Blake, Hegel, Kierkegaard, and Schopenhauer. The result is a book that examines Mi osz as both a thinker and an artist, shedding new light on all aspects of his oeuvre.", While scholars have chronicled Czeslaw Milosz's engagement with religious belief, no previous book-length treatment has focused on his struggles with theodicy in both poetry and thought. Milosz wrestled with the problem of believing in a just God given the powerful evidence to the contrary in the natural world as he observed it and in the horrors of World War II and its aftermath in Poland. Rather than attempt to survey Milosz's vast oeuvre, lukasz Tischner focuses on several key works--"The Land of Ulro," "The World," "The Issa Valley," "A Treatise on Morals," "A Treatise on Poetry," and "From the Rising of the Sun"--carefully tracing the development of Milosz's moral arguments, especially in relation to the key texts that influenced him, among them the Bible, the Gnostic writings, and the works of Blake, Hegel, Kierkegaard, and Scho-penhauer. The result is a book that examines Milosz as both a thinker and an artist, shedding new light on all aspects of his oeuvre.

Ebook Rethinking the Early Modern: Milosz and the Problem of Evil by Lukasz Tischner DJV, PDF

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